Alexander Pushkin

Alexander Pushkin

Great Russian poet and playwright

"Better the illusions that exalt us than ten thousand truths"

Did Alexander Pushkin openly criticize the government?

Alexander Pushkin was a writer who often criticized the Russian authorities in his works, particularly during the reign of Nicholas I. However, his views on the government were complex and nuanced, and he did not always condemn the authorities outright.

In some of his works, Pushkin portrayed the government and its agents as corrupt, oppressive, and cruel. For example, in his play “Boris Godunov,” he depicts the titular character as a ruthless and manipulative ruler who is willing to do whatever it takes to maintain his grip on power. Similarly, in his poem “The Bronze Horseman,” Pushkin criticizes the government’s policies towards St. Petersburg, particularly its failure to prevent the city from flooding.

However, in other works, Pushkin portrayed the authorities in a more sympathetic light. For example, in his historical novel “The Captain’s Daughter,” he portrays the military authorities as brave and honorable figures who are committed to upholding justice and order.

Overall, Pushkin’s views on the authorities were complex and multifaceted, reflecting the political and social realities of his time. While he often criticized the government for its shortcomings and abuses of power, he also recognized the importance of maintaining order and stability in society.